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Our Mission


Her Health Voice is dedicated to health education through storytelling. Our mission is to empower women to make educated choices about their health. Find out what birth, gynecological concerns, fertility, menopause and more is really like from the real people who have lived it. We are dedicated to inspring you through real-life narratives, reputable resources, and medical expertise. At Her Health Voice, you'll find stories that will inspire you and remind you that you are not alone. 

Stories have a way of sticking in our brains in a way that reading a textbook never could. Her Health Voice provides wellness information through lived experiences and wild-but-true health stories. Sharing the realities of our lives is the first step in making informed decisions about our healthcare. We believe that are more powerful together. Whether you're newly pregnant, faced with a difficult diagnosis, entering perimenopause, looking for answers to unusual symptoms or just dealing with the millions of other issues female bodies contend with, we've got your back. 

For centuries, women have been excluded from medical advances and scientific studies. Women are regularly left out of clinical trials and biomedical research from Ambien to cardiovascular diseases . Why, you may ask? As the Washington Post put it, "their hormonal fluctuations [have been] said to 'confound' or confuse research results." We're here to say that's not good enough. Women are finally opening up about the symptoms, conditions and issues that have impacted their and together - our voices are powerful enough to cause some good trouble.

Alexis Moberger

Alexis is a passionate advocate for women's health and a firm believer in the power of storytelling. Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, she pursued her interests by earning a dual degree in Broadcast Journalism and Women and Gender Studies.


With a strong foundation in media, Alexis embarked on a successful seven-year career as a news reporter, starting in Lafayette, Indiana, before returning to her hometown of Columbus. Her experiences in journalism honed her skills in uncovering and sharing impactful stories, a talent she now brings to Her Health Voice.


Alexis's professional journey took a meaningful turn when she transitioned to a role as a production manager in patient advocacy, with a focus on cancer support. This role, combined with her own experience with women's health issues, ignited a deep-seated passion for health advocacy.


As co-founder of Her Health Voice, Alexis is dedicated to creating a platform where women can share their health experiences and be truly heard. She believes in the transformative power of connection through storytelling and is committed to amplifying voices in the space of women's health.


In her spare time, Alexis enjoys life with her supportive husband Tyler and their cat, Ziggy.

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Jenna Jones

As the co-founder of Her Health Voice, Jenna Jones brings a blend of journalistic integrity and empathy to women's health. With over 13 years of experience in media, editorial direction, and storytelling, she's passionate about making health information accessible, engaging, and empowering.

With a passion for journalism and a love for storytelling, she's interviewed people from all walks of life and crafted compelling narratives that stick.

At Her Health Voice, Jenna is on a mission to elevate women's voices, share their stories, and make a real difference in the world of health and wellness. 


Her work has been seen in SheKnows, OC Register, OC Family, Delta Sky Magazine, Produced By Magazine, Talentless, and JetBlue.

But it's not all about education for Jenna —it's about real connection. She's dedicated to building communities, identifying gaps in healthcare and working to help women be seen and heard.

When she's not crafting the perfect content strategy, you can find her hanging on the beach with her 2 and 4-year-old and/or enjoying a giant cup of coffee.

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Meet the Founders

Her Health Voice is for anyone who has been ever told they were "too emotional," "too sensitive," "too angry," "too skinny," "too big," "too quiet," or "too loud." If you've ever been gaslight or told your physical symptoms were all in your head, we're here to offer hope. Through our array of real stories and expert insight, we want you to feel equipped to let those comments roll of your back. We believe that you know your body best and more than that, we believe that you deserve quality healthcare and support.  

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